Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

They Say " A Picture Speaks 1,000 Words"

This pretty much sums it up for how our summer has been going!!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Goodbye Farrah, Goodbye Michael

I remember watching Charlie's Angels and loving Farrah's famous feathered hair but relating more to Jacquelyn Smith cause she had the brown hair, brown eyes like me.
I always wanted to have the blonde hair blue eyes, like Farrah and Christie Brinkley but as years passed on I learned to love what God gave me. I also remember my Mom watching the movie on tv in 1984, The Burning Bed and asking if I could watch it with her and she told me "it is a movie for grown ups", I was 8 at the time. Years later I would see that movie and understand why my Mom tried to protect me from watching the harsh domestic abuse Farrah would get from her husband in that movie. No 8 year old should watch that kind of movie, keep life precious for all the years we can for our children.
I recently watched Farrah's extremely raw and brave documentary, showing what she has endured having cancer and literally fighting for her life. As I sat there on the couch alone crying and watching Farrah. I know that if my 9 year old son came in to sit next to me, I would of said to him "this is a grown up show", not to shelter him from reality but just to keep him worry free for a little bit longer, he will have so many years to worry and fear, I understand why my Mom wouldn't let me watch that movie when I was 8.
I will remember Farrah not only as Charlie's Angel but as a fearless, courageous, strong woman who didn't give up.

And then there is Michael, who I feel the Michael that I remember and loved, when I was a little girl, died along time ago.
I remember waiting everynight right after dinner to watch the MTV countdown and see THRILLER, again and again, come in as the #1 video on the countdown. Even, my 9 year old son Jordan asked yesterday "what happened to Michael Jackson?" and I was surprised that he even knew who he was, I said "do you know who he is, honey?" and he said "yeah, he has that cool scary video with the Halloween monsters in it" Michael will always be remembered for that video. The moonwalk, the sweet kick and pulse, the white glove and all the songs from The Jackson 5, that is how I will remember Michael.
I feel very sad for his later years in his life. I hate to think of him as a pedofiler, who wants to believe that about anyone, and who are we to judge, we weren't there, so we will never know what truly happened. Only Michael knows the truth and yesterday he took that truth with him. I feel most sad for his family, his Mother, as losing a child is the all time worst thing imaginable and for Janet, losing her brother, no matter what he was to the world, he was her brother.
I like to remember him like this,before fame killed his soul, before he really died:

Monday, June 22, 2009

For Dennis...

And for all who fight or have faught this horrible disease, we did the NSMC Cancer walk for all of them!
Not even a moment to complain about the rain because at least we are able to walk in the rain and we must in honor of Dennis, Alan, Theresa, Uncle Bob, Senior Sam, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze, everyone effected by this awful disease!
I was so proud to be walking with TEAM Hungry for Life, along side my dear friend Stephanie and my amazing Mother.
It was awesome to see how even more TEAM HFL has grown, this year with more and more love for D. Rich!
He remains forever in our hearts.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Tomorrow is the NSMC Cancer walk and my Mom, Steph and I will be walking with Team Hungry For Life. It is a very special walk in honor of Dennis Rich and everyone else who has been effected by cancer. We will also walk for my Godfather Alan, who lost his battle to liver cancer in 1995, our dear friend Theresa Walles who is fighting tongue cancer and is a former breast cancer survivor, my uncle Bob who passed away a year ago from colon cancer and now auntie Molly lives all alone ( they had no children) she is 87 years old, so many years together, now she is alone. We walk for Senior Sam our precious 16 and a half year old labrodor, who we just found out has a form of lung cancer, who we have been so blessed to have her all these great years, and still no one wants to hear those words said about a loved one. So we walk for hope and love and in honor and in memory and for a cure for this horrific disease, we walk because we are not going to ever give up on kicking cancer's ass!!!!
And even if the sun doesn't shine, it shines in our hearts for Dennis and all who we love and walk for tomorrow, June 21st, 2009.
Hope Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Franklin Park Zoo

We took a field trip to the zoo today, it was so much fun! We picked up cousin Shayla on the way and the kids had a blast.
The gorillas are so fascinating to me. Unfortunatley we witnessed one of the gorillas sit there and eat his own poop or one of the gorillas poop. That was pretty gross but then he strutted it over to the glass window really close up to us and it was amazing to see him look into our eyes, minus the poop still smeared near his mouth, poor guy, why did he eat that? i will have to google that to see if that is normal for gorillas to do. But he just stared at us with these big sad soulful eyes and I couldn't help but picture what we looked like to him, all these faces staring at him, he looked so unphased by us. It was my favorite part of the zoo trip.
Then it was off to Jamacia Plain to get our all time favorito espanol food! So deliciouso!
And back to Nana Zon's house we went and chowed down. We can never stay too long cause poor Max is so allergic to Nana's dog, Sassy. Even with his medicine, he still began to itch and blotch up, my poor guy.
So home we went, right to the tub to scrub my little allergic guy and make him feel all better and itch free.
Here's so shots that Shayla and I took with my camera:

Mr. Camel peek-a-boing:

Miss Zebra grazing in the grass:

How amazing is this, only 1 piece of glass separating us from Mr. Poopy Mouth Cool Gorilla Dude:
This is not the poop eater gorilla, this is his sister, i think:

Big brother Jordan was there to give Little Miss Bella a piggy back when her little legs got tired, thanks Jordan!

Monday, April 27, 2009

We're in the Big League's Now!!!!

April 25th, 2009

Jordan and Maxwell Toledo entered the Big League's, really
the Little League's but they were feeling pretty big and special marching down to Saint Mary's Baseball field in their opening day parade!
It was a beautiful sunny morning, rise and shine we were parading at 8:45!
Wally was there from the Red Sox and all the kids looked so cute but I can't help but call these 2 my favorites :)

Maxwell Toledo plays for the " The Chiefs"
Sponsored by Nana's Banana's ~ we think they should of been called "The Banana's" instead of the Chiefs, how cute would that be, come on it's t-ball, they could totally get away with it!

Jordan Toledo plays for "The Washington Nationals", hey it's Washington D.C. so it's kind of close to home. He enjoys hitting and prefers not to catch the ball, he maybe DH if he can swing that bat.

I love you guys!!!!
And GO RED SOX!!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday was a Blast!

We finally got together, us blogger chick's ( that would be Katie, Stephanie and Jenny...oh i mean Jennifer - the profesh new name she likes to go by ) and had such an awesome lunch at this resturaunt called Theresa's. Stephanie and Katie, you go girlzzzzzzz being so wise about your choices of food and having that willpower and strength! You both are an inspiration to me. Jenny and I had to go for the desert and it really was the bomb, I just realized looking through my pictures on my camera, crazily as it sounds, that is the only picture I took on my camera was a picture of the fabulous desert, how sad am I.
But Jenny and Katie got some cutes shots of all of us.
And here we are at Wheatgrass Cafe:

Represent with the artificial wheatgrass ")
Then we attempted to do some wheatgrass shots but curly jones who owns the earthy crunchy very cool cafe Sol Bean Cafe ( which Stephanie soon may be working there with cutes curly...holla!) recommended we don't do the shots on full bellies. So we went with the acai berry smoothie and called it a day. Wish we had more time to chat and laugh and eat, cause you know we could of kept it going but Moms are on time schedules, am i right ladies?? :)
We will plan another trip again soon cause it was just too darn fun not too!
Love you blogger galz soooo much!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt at Jackie Mackie's!

Guess who's baske this is?

Bella and Thumper give loves

Yes, Jackie Mackay is one of my favorite people in this world. I use to babysit her youngest son when I was just 11 years old. I remember my friend Alexyss and I got cpr certified at the whidden hospital and took babysitting classes, so she then entrusted us with her baby boy Andrew. We were so proud to babysit him and take him on walks down Park Ave in the big old fashion boucing carriage that Jackie had. Now years have gone by but it never feels like years have gone by when I am with Jackie. She is awesome!
She so kindly invited us over her house for an easter egg hunt with her adorable granddaughter Alexis. We had a blast! The kids hunted all in her yard for eggs, then we painted little bird houses and had pizza for lunch and Jackie even had the funny string for the kids to spray all over her yard. Also, we got to pat "Thumper", her rabbit and meet "Bella", Alexi's dog who was so sweet.
We had an awesome time and thank Jackie so much for having us over!
We love you, Jackie!!!

And he don't stop!

Yep, little Max broke his wrist last Sunday at Gigi's house playing soccer, landing and bending hard on his left wrist. He cried a little bit after and then fell asleep on the couch, we just chalked it up to be exhaustion since he was up late the 2 nights before. Next morning, he was still in pain and not moving his arm at all, so off for x-rays we went and sure enough, we were pretty shocked !, we really thought it was just a sprain. But, Max's little left wrist had been fractured.
We spent the whole afternoon at the MGH Er and finally came home with a pretty cool red cast, we chose red for the RED SOX! Then once that cast was set, Max was good as new. As you can see, he hasn't slowed down.
We just are keeping our fingers crossed that it heals well and he can be able to play t-ball, it will be his first year playing so we hoping for the best for Max!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

jordan & max go red sox


Week In Review

I haven't been a good blogger lately. And I am gona blame my back for it. Today is the first day in atleast 2 weeks that I can say I feel better. Thanks to some nice muscle relaxers my doctor prescribed me. I actually thoroughly cleaned the house today and have the energy to go out to the park with the kids.
Miraculously I did lose 5 pounds,,which shocked me right out of my boots ( cause I wear boots these days ) but really it shocked me cause I haven't been exercising at all and then with pms and all that crap I so figured I would of gained. But I weighed in happily and surprisingly 5 pounds less at the nutritionists office and at my house scale. So it is quite encouraging to see the numbers go down and keep on keepin on eating wisely ( most of the time ) and eventually getting active again, even if for now it is just walking, walking is moving and moving is grooving.
This week the boys found out what teams they will be on for baseball and t-ball. Both their first years playing!
Max is on "The Chiefs" and Jordan is on the "Kansas City Royals" and big Daddy is his coach, assistant coach if ya wanna get specific. They will march in the parade opening day, April 25th, Saturday. I am excited to see my little guys all spiffed up in their cleets and baseball caps marching it down the street to Saint Mary's Baseball field. Lets hope for sunshine that day!!!
Did I mention this week, that I lost 5 pounds? I think I did...and

Bella took a trip to the aquarium with big daddy. Of course, he forgot the camera so no pictures of that but they had a blast and Bella loved holding the star fish and said she was "very scared of the sharks", that came close up to her in the big fish tank.

And the kids are very excited for Easter Bunny to hop on down the bunny trail next week and leave some easter eggs for them!
Miss you all and can't wait to bust out for lunch soon!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

i must of got lost...

where has my bloggin umffff gone?
i don't know.
i am excited to finally sit down tonight in peace and quiet and watch my netflix
The Secret Life of Bees, with Dakota Fanning ( love her ), Jennifer Hudson ( my heart breaks for what she has gone through and Alicia Keys.
I will be back with a review.
Let's see if I give it,
1 star
2 star
3 star
4 star....

Friday, March 13, 2009


that's me with my blog lately: slack-a-lackin.
watching points and exercising and taking care of the kids has really occupied most of my time,
though my clothes feel a little looser
i have yet to get back on the scale.
cause the first week i did, the numbers didn't move! i was pissed!!!
my husband and whoever i complained to about this told me "muscle weighs more then fat" but it still is discouraging when you are bustin ya arrrsssss working out and eating green leafs most of the day ( well not most of the day but lots of blah stuff is what i am trying to say ) and still the weight, the numbers doesn't go downward.
so that is why i have yet to get back on the darn scale.
i go to the nutritionist in the beginning of April, so that is my big weigh in day.
i'm trying
i'm aware,
if i bite it, i write it down in my food journal
if i mess up, i don't beat myself up,
i just keep on keepin on...
are some shots of what we've been up too.
Jordan did get an awesome new bike, cause his "daddy long legs" were way to big for his old bike, his knees were hitting the handle bars, so he looked like a real cutes on that one....
Gigi, with her generous soul, helped us get him this hot bike at Target besides the fact that he was too big for his old bike, he has been improving his test grades at school, so it was a well-deserved treat.

Also took Bella to Monkey Joes while Max and Jordan were at school. We met Auntie Erica and Baby G ( that is what Bella calls her Baby G) Gianna, there.
They had a blast. This was Bella's second time climbing it and she was like a professional.
What a workout they get on those blow up things!