Friday, February 19, 2010

i haven't blogged in quite a long time.
mya is now 5 and a half months old and near 30 pounds.
When she arrived home at 12 weeks, she was just 12 pounds.
She is absolutely gorgeous and funny and just makes it worth getting up and living everyday.
school vacation:
blah, blah, blah,
sorry to put it like that but i just don't enjoy winter school vacations,
what can you really do,
especially with little money.
so 3 crazy kids, a crazy dog and a crazy mother
all in 1 little crazy house,
it's more then crazy!
about getting highlights,
i want Sarah Palin's highlights but i want Michelle Obama's arms and brain, now she's a smart classy lady!
yep, they are still rubbing together, probably more then ever
i have given up the diets and just accepted this is me at 33 and
i love to eat and i will never be able to give up the good stuff so it's chunky thighs and lots of delicious food, that's the price i must pay.
tonight can't wait, for my friends birthday party!!!
pack the kids in the car and off to Target we go, our home away from home.
on the Target list: dental floss, wife-beater tshirts for big daddy size XL and
a cute little gift box for Renee's bday present and i am sure 3 little treats for 3 little monkeys will try to be negotiated.
So here we go....