Dad had his sweet 1980's boom box rockin as he planted the traditional Mother's Day flowers.

Isa picked dandylions in Gigi's front yard

I tried to attempt the scooter board but Bella told me right as this picture was being taken "Mama, you're too big for me"...

We watched Gigi open her Mama's Day presents, they adore eachother, can you tell?

There was poppin bubbbles on Gigi's front lawn with straws, we never get tired of bubbles! Or as Max & Jordan do, they pretend they are fighting the bubbles, of course they gutta be rough and tumble.

I think someday they will look back on this precious shot and be glad their Mama captured this one. I love this shot! I hope they always remain this close and this happy.

The little old married couple, Macky & Ethel!!!!(sometimes we call her Ethel, cause she is like an old lady, the way she walks & talks and bosses the men in her life around, gutta love it!)

The brothers, so grateful they have eachother.

Bella just havin a good laugh, on the spare mattress in the play room at Gigi's house, that they love to bounce on.

It only took me 1 whole week to post my Mother's Day shots but the week was hectic, pick up, drop off, preschool, karate, laundry, homework, class project, more freakin laundry.... Anyways, my Mother's Day was also about Jordan falling out of the big tree in Gigi's backyard. This wasn't on the agenda or captured on film (surprisingly I didn't have the camera on hand, cause I probably would of been snapping shots, jk...) He sprained his ankle and got some scrapes. As accidents always happen so fast. One minute he's up and Gigi is warning him "get down, you're gona hurt yaself" and next minute we are not looking and he's down. Jordan milked that fall for all he could. Though I know he was hurt on Sunday when it happened. I think Monday he just milked it, to stay home from school and play some xtra xbox. We did get his ankle checked Monday and Dr. Oh said it was a sprain and to just take it easy this week. Did he? nope. Kids are resilent and bounce right back. I am grateful he wasn't badly injured, it could of been worse. Thank God it wasn't his head! I am thankful he is back to his energtic 8 year old crazy boy self. We also had yummy carvel ice cream cupcakes, they are the bomb! If you haven't had them, try them! They even put the oreo cookie crunch in the middle. Just let them defrost for 10 minutes and they are so good! And Bella did smush a few ants. She is very fascinated by ants. I am going to get her a magnifying glass and ant farm so she can really keep her eye on them. She gets a little too excited and picks them up and pretty much smushes their fragile little legs and runs over to me to show me what has become a half dead crippled little ant. But she thinks she has done something wonderful. It really is through watching her that I have learned to stop and really take it the smallest little wonders and creatures in life. She even has told me that when Senior Sam is going pee pee, she will say "look mama, Sammi is making lemonade pee pee".....
Seeing through my children's eyes is the most beautiful way of seeing life ever. Amen