We took a field trip to the zoo today, it was so much fun! We picked up cousin Shayla on the way and the kids had a blast.
The gorillas are so fascinating to me. Unfortunatley we witnessed one of the gorillas sit there and eat his own poop or one of the gorillas poop. That was pretty gross but then he strutted it over to the glass window really close up to us and it was amazing to see him look into our eyes, minus the poop still smeared near his mouth, poor guy, why did he eat that? i will have to google that to see if that is normal for gorillas to do. But he just stared at us with these big sad soulful eyes and I couldn't help but picture what we looked like to him, all these faces staring at him, he looked so unphased by us. It was my favorite part of the zoo trip.
Then it was off to Jamacia Plain to get our all time favorito espanol food! So deliciouso!
And back to Nana Zon's house we went and chowed down. We can never stay too long cause poor Max is so allergic to Nana's dog, Sassy. Even with his medicine, he still began to itch and blotch up, my poor guy.
So home we went, right to the tub to scrub my little allergic guy and make him feel all better and itch free.
Here's so shots that Shayla and I took with my camera:
Mr. Camel peek-a-boing:

Miss Zebra grazing in the grass:

How amazing is this, only 1 piece of glass separating us from Mr. Poopy Mouth Cool Gorilla Dude:

This is not the poop eater gorilla, this is his sister, i think:

Big brother Jordan was there to give Little Miss Bella a piggy back when her little legs got tired, thanks Jordan!