I remember watching Charlie's Angels and loving Farrah's famous feathered hair but relating more to Jacquelyn Smith cause she had the brown hair, brown eyes like me.
I always wanted to have the blonde hair blue eyes, like Farrah and Christie Brinkley but as years passed on I learned to love what God gave me. I also remember my Mom watching the movie on tv in 1984, The Burning Bed and asking if I could watch it with her and she told me "it is a movie for grown ups", I was 8 at the time. Years later I would see that movie and understand why my Mom tried to protect me from watching the harsh domestic abuse Farrah would get from her husband in that movie. No 8 year old should watch that kind of movie, keep life precious for all the years we can for our children.
I recently watched Farrah's extremely raw and brave documentary, showing what she has endured having cancer and literally fighting for her life. As I sat there on the couch alone crying and watching Farrah. I know that if my 9 year old son came in to sit next to me, I would of said to him "this is a grown up show", not to shelter him from reality but just to keep him worry free for a little bit longer, he will have so many years to worry and fear, I understand why my Mom wouldn't let me watch that movie when I was 8.
I will remember Farrah not only as Charlie's Angel but as a fearless, courageous, strong woman who didn't give up.
And then there is Michael, who I feel the Michael that I remember and loved, when I was a little girl, died along time ago.
I remember waiting everynight right after dinner to watch the MTV countdown and see THRILLER, again and again, come in as the #1 video on the countdown. Even, my 9 year old son Jordan asked yesterday "what happened to Michael Jackson?" and I was surprised that he even knew who he was, I said "do you know who he is, honey?" and he said "yeah, he has that cool scary video with the Halloween monsters in it"...so Michael will always be remembered for that video. The moonwalk, the sweet kick and pulse, the white glove and all the songs from The Jackson 5, that is how I will remember Michael.
I feel very sad for his later years in his life. I hate to think of him as a pedofiler, who wants to believe that about anyone, and who are we to judge, we weren't there, so we will never know what truly happened. Only Michael knows the truth and yesterday he took that truth with him. I feel most sad for his family, his Mother, as losing a child is the all time worst thing imaginable and for Janet, losing her brother, no matter what he was to the world, he was her brother.
I like to remember him like this,before fame killed his soul, before he really died: