Here it is, 2012!!! January 2, 2012 exactly one year to the day that I blogged here...wow!
That is a whole 365 days away from this blog and funny how I got the thought to blog today, of all days...this time I want to stay with the blog, so when another year rolls around, God Willing. I can really have a lot of great posts to look back on.
We'll see how I do, what I do, where we go, what we learn....
Let me review this past year of 2011 and all the fun we had and the moments we celebrated and will always remember....-
The kids had some sweet icy cold lemonade stands to help raise money for cancer research!!! So proud of them, for working it out on some hot summer days for such an important cause close to all of our hearts.

It took me four months, not because I didn't love this book, I really did Love this book but because I am such a sloooow reader and the only time I can get some reading time is, right before bedtime, so my eyes grow sleepy really fast and that leaves me with reading only 4 to 5 pages a night, but i really didn't want this book to end. Loved it and loved the movie version too!

Our Mya girl turned 2 years old, on Sept. 5th, 2011, yes she did, our baby girl who we adopted on Dec. 5th, 2009!! She had her cousins, Frankie and Ari over and they had some fabulous ice cream doggie treats and played in Gigi's backyard, what a great day!
Happy 2nd Birthday, Mya girl!!!
My Bella started Kindergarten!!! Max began 2nd grade!!! And Jordan started middle school, 6th grader!!! Watch out now!!
We had an awesome Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas and we are so blessed and truly grateful for all the special times we shared in 2011!!!
And look forward to many more in 2012 XOXOXOXO
Check Bella with her crossed eyes, she loves to do that for pictures, just like I did when I was a little girl, she is so me, it's scary how much she reminds me of me!