It's Saturday morning and what a lovely morning it is. I slept in, all snuggled with my Mya girl at the end of the bed in her normal "plain donut" sleep position.
Bella is still asleep.
Max is on his favorite video game.
Jordan is at a sleep over at his friend, Ashtons.
And Big Daddy, has taken a ride to NH with my Dad.
Now I am simply sipping on a fresh cup of coffee, made from a fresh pot of Dunkins coffee and yes, a slice of last night's leftover pizza. I love cold pizza the day after, so yummy! So that's breakfast, is that ok?
Last post was all about being "Determined" and gosh is it in my heart but I couldn't resist the pizza.
So it will be, 2 walks today to burn that yummy pizza away.
I think I will recap the week.
The weather was Spectacular!!! ( i never use that word but i shall today, said in an english accent (: )
It felt like June around here, 70's and 80's,
slightly refreshing breeze, strong sun, just perfect.
A little recap of this lovely week:
We visited my sweet Papa, who is 88 years old, he is at Rehab since he fell a month ago and broke his shoulder. Sadly, Papa had already broken both hips so he depends on a walker and now with his arm unavailable, he can no longer walk. He is working hard everyday at physical therapy to get his strength back and come home. He is the sweetest, kindest soul. It is heartbreaking to watch the dementia take over him. Sometimes what he says is just precious hysterical and other times he is grumpy and it's so not him. But we love him through it all and realize love is the best medicine we can give him.
Back in the day, sweet Papa and sweet darling Sammi right by his side and baby Bella with her watering can. |
When I sit with him I really stop and think, wow if we are privileged enough to live to be 88 years old, what will life be like? Who will be around to take care of us? You pray your children will be there, you pray they will have the time in their lives but we don't know. And Papa doesn't want to be unable to walk or do for himself, old age can be so humiliating for the person who is old and that is what breaks your heart. You see this sweet soul, who once was so full of life, so independent, so ready to cruise to the grocery store and take walks around the neighborhood with his dear brother ( who has now passed on) and you wish you could give that back. I wish I could give those days back to my Papa. He was so happy and he was so content. He loved to sit out in the backyard or driveway in the sun, with our sweet Sammi lab ( who has also left us) and read the paper and appreciate just getting up when he felt like it or going in the house to use the bathroom without any thought. Now he feels bad, he feels he is a burden and he feels so tired. He even said to my Mom ( his only daughter, only child, his pride and joy) that he is tired, he said "I'd miss the kids but I think there is a better place out there for me now." And by kids he means, his grandkids and great grandkids, that would be: My brother, and my husband Donald and our babies, Jordan, Max and Bella.
And we would miss you more then you know, Papa.
I hold onto everyday I can see him and hear his voice, even if he is telling us "I need the keys to the car, I am ready to get out of this place."
Yesterday, I brought him some vanilla ice cream and we sat outside the rehab facility, with my brother. We chatted, he enjoyed his ice cream in the sunshine.
Then the physical therapist whisked him away to the gym to do some hard core exercise for an hour. When he returned, we were waiting for him in his room and he had a little coke and then was ready for his afternoon nap.
It's so fascinating how we begin as little souls in this life, who need so much help, nurturing and love and really as old souls, we need that same help, nurturing and love. Some things never really change......
And in between our visits to the rehab and picking up our 3 little monkeys from school.
We took Mya to the beach and park, she met some new doggy friends and showed off her skilled leaps through the air and how good she is at jumping to catch her ball! Ball So Hard...Jayz & Kanye's song.
Look at Mya, catching that ball! "Ball So Hard." |
And we can't forget that Little Miss Bella Lu, lost her first Front Baby tooth on March 19th biting into a ice-cream chipwich on the back porch after school. She came running in the house with her friend, Cassidy and yelled "it fell out!!!" Of course Little Miss Tooth Fairy made a visit that night and sent her the sweetest, teeny tiny letter. I will post that soon.
Here's my girl, all proud rockin her lens-less glasses.
You Go Girl!!!!
We thank you God, for your many blessings and another blessed week (: