My Angel, My Mother. |
She gave me life.
She has guided me throughout my life.
We shop together, we go out to eat together, we take walks almost every night together ( it's like our little therapy sessions, we just talk, walk and listen to each other).
When we baked brownies or cakes together, when i was a little girl, she always let me lick the batter ( a just a few times).
She goes by many names.
"Kaaz", is what her mom calls her when she yells downstairs for her.
"Ma" ~ "Mama" from my brother and I and my husband.
"Gigi" is what my kids call her, cause when I had my first born, she told me, she wasn't old enough to be called a Nana or Grandma, so we went with the hip name of Gigi.
"Mrs. Webb", is what all her kindergarten students call her, everyday for 20 years now!
And I also love to call her "Honey"and "Dear" and "Kaaz", too(:
She is so loving and warm, always gives the best hugs and always has her beautiful smile to share with the world. She always looks happy, friendly, approachable and she passed those three things onto me. Many people walk around looking very serious, sometimes downright miserable. That is not Kaaaz, my Mom has the most beautiful smile and she shares that with everyone.
She loves everyone, judges noone and has lived her life with an open mind.
I am proud to say, she passed all those wonderful characteristics onto me and my brother, as well.
When I was pregnant with Jordan at age 22, she embraced me and stood by me and inside I know, though I was young, she believed in me and knew I'd be ok, plus I think deep down inside she was super excited to know she was going to be a Grandma, I mean "Gigi."
She bakes the best pizzelle cookies in the entire world!
And is there for us, especially my kids, anytime, anyplace.
She shows up.
She gets down and digs in the sand with her grandchildren.
She has taught them so much, how lucky are they to have a kindergarten teacher as their Gigi!
And she is an amazing teacher ( not saying it just cause she is my mom, ask anyone ).
Every June she gives her children, beautiful memory books, filled with pictures of them that she takes throughout the year, from their first day of school through the holidays & celebrations. We will see kids she had 19, 20 years ago, who have their memory books and will never forget having "Mrs. Webb" as their kindergarten teacher.
She freakin' ROCKS!!!
I love you, mama.

You are my heart and soul.
You light up our world.
Jordan, Max, Bella and me adore you!!!
We are truly blessed to have you as our Mama and Gigi.
Happy Mama's Day!!!
Thank you, God for giving us Kaaaz (:
Peace and Love, Baby!