Thursday, February 5, 2009

on the LDL

just wanted to share with all you blogger friends, cause i have alot....
that i got the letter in the mail today,
it was not a good one,
it was the results to my lab work
it's in:
the LDL( bad cholesterol ) is very high - 187.
total being: 253 - watch out now!

Along with the numbers was the paragraph typed professionally from my Dr. Olson "Kristin, your cholesterol is very high. I have enclosed information for you about a low fat, low cholesterol diet. I also will make you an appointment with the nutritionist in the clinic on the first floor."

Since we have heart disease in the fam, now is the time
to really get "cracka lackin" ( Katie's word ) on the low fat diet,
as i told my mother the news in an email, i told her
"now it's not even about the fat anymore, it's about the heart"
And when I shared the news with my husband I told him, I am going to do this cause I wanna be around to see my grandbabies...
i mean
business this time
and i have to say all you beauty blogger girlfriendz of mine have really inspired me!
So let's all go out very soon for a big delicious grilled chicken salad with low fat dressing, it will be so much fun
a big glass of water!
Can't wait,
really i can't wait to see ya's and chat over an awesome salad.
love ya's
high chlorestrol mama but hopefully not for long,


Katie said...

u scared me!
just do your best and it will happen fast I'm sure.
Wow, it's scary though. good thing you got urslef checked.

Stephie Says..... said...

Also eat those Cherios the reg kind NO SUG every morn one bowl with a it will help lots and lots. Do deep breath exercise to help ur luving heart too. It WILL be done my sistah it will. I will make sure of it; )
yes we do need to go out for some veggies, no chicken 4 me I no eata meat ata