Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our Halloween Disney Adventures!!!

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It was a quite a vacation but not a relaxing, kick it back and relax kind of vacation. Not with a very excited husband who has never been to Disney and 3 super excited children who have never been to Disney.
Add in a mama (that would be me) who hasn't flown in 18 years and was completely freaking out about flying and you have a very exhausting, at times stressful, memorable, amazing family vacation!!
The slideshow captures it all, except my melt down on our third night in, where I literally locked myself in our hotel bathroom and cried my eyes out on the cold bathroom floor, it was an overwhelming feeling of heat exhaustion, feet exhaustion and dealing with my 13 year old son and impulsive husband. Just keeping it real, "it's not always rainbows and butterflies." ( Adam Levine )
But my sweet baby girl and her daddy went to the gift shop and picked out the sweetest Minnie Mouse mug for me that says "Mornings Are  Not Pretty" cause I am so not a morning mama!! And a very sweet Minnie Mouse keychain! The ladies in the gift shop gave Bella lots of stickers to help her decorate the gift box and when Bella came back to the hotel room with that sweet mug in the box, that made me smile and dried the tears and after a refreshing shower and a good nights sleep our next 3 days were our best 3 days at Disney. With our favorite parks being the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom!! And though there is so much more to see, we hope to one day go back soon, this time in an RV! 
Though I am so proud of myself for finally conquering my flying fear, I prefer to stay grounded on our next trip to Disney(:
Thank you God for blessing us with a trip filled with awesome memories and a safe landing back to Boston....Home Sweet Home!

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