Wednesday, June 19, 2013

so complicated...

so misunderstood..
so much judging..
so opinated...see you do the same.

for one minute....just let go...just let go of judgement...cause if you love God and believe in God..that really is up to him/her...

for one second..just let go....of hate..of doubt...of judgement....of other's choices and other's love....then we will all be one...
we will all be.

pretty pretty please don't you ever feel like your less then perfect.

so tired of all judging...of all being mean or hateful or intolerant....just be...just love...just accept the differences and choices of others...cause a loving
God does.
Please share hugs...share peace...share love..share laughs...share booty's the only way to survive.
no one is better or worse then anyone else..
no one is prettier or uglier then anyone else...if they have an open heart and a loving heart....let love rule...then nothing can hold us down...

fuck em all...and by all i mean the mean...hatefullll.judgememtal...narrowminded...close minded...cult like...extremists.....the hate will never win..