And maybe
you dig Obama or maybe you think McCain has gut lots of experience
Obama feels it is a woman's right to chose what she feels is best for her body & life
McCain suffered greatly in the war years ago,
Obama wants to end this senseless war
Sarah will "tolerate" gay relationships,
Joey lost his wife and babygirl many years ago in a tragic car accident,
Obama put out a 30 minute documentary presenting himself and what he wants to do for this country as President, what he stands for, yes some said "overkill" but to sit and watch this 30 minute whatever you wanna call it.
I have to say, I cried.
Politics don't usually bring me to tears, come on, they're politicians!
But there is something about this guy, since I've gotten to learn & know about him, ( and I don't say much is good about myself, but I will admit I can read people very well, good judge of character I am...) he seems just a little bit more sincere for a politician, I am well aware he is 100% American ( Not MUSLIM! ), and what really touched my heart and made me actually cry was when he spoke about his children tonight in this documentary, correction his wife spoke on his behalf about his daughters and she said "he always makes time for them" , "he read all the Harry Potter books with his oldest daughter, Malia" "everynight no matter where he is, he always talks on the phone with them, for as long as they want to talk"..i guess that hit home because I don't have that type of father, I don't know that kind of relationship with my father, never have, never will and though he is still alive & in my life,sometimes that is still not enough.
And yet we are both voting for Barack Obama, kind of strange, huh? We don't agree on much, but we agree on Obama.
So it really made me emotional to see the pictures of him hugging and loving and really being there for his girls. It was touching, regardless of who you chose to vote for. One things for sure he is a loving awesome Dad.
But just one more thing,
considerate this sweet picture when
you are in the booth on November 4th,
please....Do you really want someone who can even be captured in a photo like this, running the country? After all we've been through these past 8 years,
I mean,
i agree!
i think your honey is gonna win too!
Barock the vote baby!
lmaooooooooooooo that pic even real beau?
yes, that is a real shot taken from their debate, it's the real deal beau
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