Let's get it moving sister!
Here is a little backtrackin of what we been up to over here at 46 Howard....
Let's see,
last friday was twins day at Jordan and Maxwell's school, so they wore their Celtics jerseys and were twins with George & Julius Quitana ( they are brothers who are each in Jordan & Maxwell's grades). They looked very cute and then afterschool George hung at 46, did the whole Wii/Xbox thang, wrestled, pigged out on pizza and soda, the whole fun kind of way 9 year old boys live to spend their days!

Then as always there were some amazing shots taken by, you know her, that amazing photographer Isabella Laila Toledo.
O Yes and this is one of those shots, call it what you want but she knows how to capture the beauty in the eyes....look at crossed cutes eyes and only dream someday she can capture one like this of you!

then on Saturday, awesome Gigi took Max, Bella and me to see:

it was so cute, all these years with Elmo lovers in the house and it was our first time seeing Seasame Street Live. Saw Blues Clue's, saw Dora, saw Backyardigans but never Sesame. I think Jordan would of loved it too but he was like "no thanks Ma" when we asked him if he'd like to go.
So off we went to Lowell Auditorium and my Mom drove my van (cause I was having a bad pms road rage day ) just to keep it safe.
Max loaded up on a big bag of sugary cotton candy and still mananged to stay seated the whole show. He even snuggled, like the lovebug that he is, up with his Gigi towards the end of the show.

Thank you, Gigi, as always you light up our live's!