As I was sitting at Max & Bella's gymnastic's class at Flips & Giggles, watching their little selves flip & giggle and of course get spoken to more then a couple of times, such as "Max, wait your turn" and "Bella we are going in this direction on the obstacle course" ( Miss Do-Her-Own-Thang ). I was just rolling my eyes and at times laughing because Max always calls his 2 teachers "teacher", instead of their names Miss Josie and Miss Karen. He sounds like a little thug from the North End, "teacher" and I just have to laugh. It's so Max to say "teacher", as he tries to show them how he break dances and Miss Josie says "those are some gorgeous moves you gut going on there, Max!"
And as I sit there trying to read my book, I'm relaxing, this is my break so I am trying to enjoy it. Then I call home to check in because my Mom is watching Jordan and his buddy Joseph until Donald gets home from work. She is making them some old fashion popcorn over the stove and she says to me "Oh My God, John Travolta's son died!" 16 years old, reported he died in the Bahamas on vacation, suffered from a seizure in the bathroom and possibly hit his head.
I was shocked! I can't even imagine how John and his family can even deal, if I am shocked and I have no connection or bond what so ever.
It is yet another reminder of how we must cherish every moment. The good and the bad, the stressful days, the not so good nights and just thank God we have them. Because we really never know and not knowing is so scary, but since we know we are not promised tomorrow then we have to really make the best of today.
I am deciding to really concentrate on what matters: smiles and laughter from my kids, spending time with them one on one so they will always feel & know they are all equally extra special to me, taking time daily to exercise & de-stress, accepting that things will break - toys, tables, toilets, etc. but as long as I don't break then we will be ok. This is the year and time for letting go of the negative, the hurt, the anger. We all have it but what good is it for any of us?
I have decided to channel that wasted energy on giving more to people less fortunate than I am, to maybe even go back to school ( gaining knowledge is never a waste of time ), to continue moving on this elliptical machine, rockin out to my ipod ( any upbeat inspirational songs would be a great help, so leave them if you have any suggestions, i need to change up my playlist soon. )
And be with positive uplifting people as much as possible.
So I also wish everyone a year of way less negativity, lots more laughs ( cause it really is the only way to get through anything ) and all kinds of time with the ones you love and be grateful for the time because we really don't ever know when it can just be taken away. Think of John Travolta today, no money, big airplanes, or hit movies can take him back to yesterday and make this day have gone differently. It doesn't matter who one is in this world, no one is untouchable.
I pray for his family just as I would pray for the family down the street, if something like this happened to them. There is no difference.
At the end of the day people are just people.
May you find peace in your heart.

oh you are 100% corect, no money ect will make that any better. I was sad and schoked to hear that too. I remember when they were on the news pregnant and I was too. I was like oh is it Sandys baby. get it. Anyway I love your post u r so positive and an angel to this world with such a loving heart for all. Cherish today it is a gift..xoxooxox Love to you always
Beau. love the post. been so long since i been on here. Of course you know I have been lost for a few in this horrible circle. i am working my way out tho. i have too made some great new years resolutions for myself. i am starting a new begining. i am so grateful to have you in my life. i love you and thank you for all your support..kisses me
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