I haven't been a good blogger lately. And I am gona blame my back for it. Today is the first day in atleast 2 weeks that I can say I feel better. Thanks to some nice muscle relaxers my doctor prescribed me. I actually thoroughly cleaned the house today and have the energy to go out to the park with the kids.
Miraculously I did lose 5 pounds,,which shocked me right out of my boots ( cause I wear boots these days ) but really it shocked me cause I haven't been exercising at all and then with pms and all that crap I so figured I would of gained. But I weighed in happily and surprisingly 5 pounds less at the nutritionists office and at my house scale. So it is quite encouraging to see the numbers go down and keep on keepin on eating wisely ( most of the time ) and eventually getting active again, even if for now it is just walking, walking is moving and moving is grooving.
This week the boys found out what teams they will be on for baseball and t-ball. Both their first years playing!
Max is on "The Chiefs" and Jordan is on the "Kansas City Royals" and big Daddy is his coach, assistant coach if ya wanna get specific. They will march in the parade opening day, April 25th, Saturday. I am excited to see my little guys all spiffed up in their cleets and baseball caps marching it down the street to Saint Mary's Baseball field. Lets hope for sunshine that day!!!
Did I mention this week, that I lost 5 pounds? I think I did...and

Bella took a trip to the aquarium with big daddy. Of course, he forgot the camera so no pictures of that but they had a blast and Bella loved holding the star fish and said she was "very scared of the sharks", that came close up to her in the big fish tank.

And the kids are very excited for Easter Bunny to hop on down the bunny trail next week and leave some easter eggs for them!
Miss you all and can't wait to bust out for lunch soon!!!