Guess who's baske this is?

Bella and Thumper give loves

Yes, Jackie Mackay is one of my favorite people in this world. I use to babysit her youngest son when I was just 11 years old. I remember my friend Alexyss and I got cpr certified at the whidden hospital and took babysitting classes, so she then entrusted us with her baby boy Andrew. We were so proud to babysit him and take him on walks down Park Ave in the big old fashion boucing carriage that Jackie had. Now years have gone by but it never feels like years have gone by when I am with Jackie. She is awesome!
She so kindly invited us over her house for an easter egg hunt with her adorable granddaughter Alexis. We had a blast! The kids hunted all in her yard for eggs, then we painted little bird houses and had pizza for lunch and Jackie even had the funny string for the kids to spray all over her yard. Also, we got to pat "Thumper", her rabbit and meet "Bella", Alexi's dog who was so sweet.
We had an awesome time and thank Jackie so much for having us over!
We love you, Jackie!!!

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