There are five rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.
11 Random Thangs:
1.) I love the bakery up the street from my mom's house, it has the best strawberry shortcake and I just had a huge piece of it and it was a little slice of heaven on a Sunday afternoon(:
2.) The smell of Modge Podge reminds me of the chlorine in a public pool and I kind of like it.
3.) Bella told me today she doesn't want boobs when she grows up, her exact words: "I don't need them."
4.) Along with the night of the Oscar Awards, I believe there should be a night broadcasted of the "Hero" Awards,which would honor and celebrate real people who do extraordinary things everyday of their lives ( our troops, teachers, anybody who inspires in life) that would be a show worth watching.
5.) Mya's paws smell like warm dorito's and i love the way they smell.
6.) My son, Jordan and I are hooked on the new Napoleon Dynomite cartoon, "we freakin love it!" ~ said in Napoleons voice(:
7.) I just got the chills when Octivia Spencer won her first Oscar Award, SOOOO deserved, baby girl!!
8.) Finding 11 random things is tough for me. lol. Oh here's one: I totally need a blog makeover, my blog sux, its a hot mess and when I try to fix it, it won't take on the new backgrounds ): help me!!!!
9.) Every night Maxwell asks me to sing him the song "moon moon moon" when I tuck him in. It's a song by Laurie Berkner and it goes like this:
"moon, moon, moon, shining bright, moon, moon, moon, my night ~ turn it on....moon, moon, moon, i can see....moon, moon, moon, you're taking care of me....look up it's the moon, look up it's the moon, up in the's big and round and i have found that it looks just like a pizza pie."
10.) There are 2 special little people in this whole wide world who think my singing voice sounds beautiful and those special souls are my daughter, Bella (6) and son, Maxwell (8). My oldest son used to think so too until he turned 12, now he leaves the room when I sing ):
11.) I'm still very sad that Whitney Houston passed away, my heart breaks for her daughter, to me it's unimaginable how she is getting through each day and I really was so hopeful that Whitney had beat the addiction this time around and am very much looking forward to seeing her final movie, Sparkle, coming out this August. RIP Whitney, love you.
QUESTIONS aka in spanish as: PREGUNTAS
1. Favorite nail color?
OPI ~ LINCOLN PARK AFTERDARK, no matter what I try, I always go back to it.
2. Pink or RED lipstick?...or are you a gloss kinda gal?
LOVE LIPGLOSS, My fAvOrIte being: MAC, for the longest time I was hooked on Lady Gaga's VIVA GLAM GAGA and now I fell in love with this new one by M.A.C called STYLE PACKED and it's totally hot pink, love it so much that I better go order another one right now cause they always seem to sell out or discontinue the ones I love, (does that happen to anyone else or just me?)
3. Favorite craft site?
4. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Defintely a night owl!!! Love to sleep in (:
5. Are you really chatty or super quiet? Or maybe somewhere in between??
If I know you and feel comfortable in your presence, then for sure I am a chatterbox but if I don't know someone well or don't feel very comfortable or welcome, you will find me very very quiet and shy.
6. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?
Losing weight, ( i know, i shouldn't of devoured that huge piece of strawberry shortcake) enough to fit in the dress I ordered to wear at my son's 1st Communion!!! The determination is on to get into that dress and feel good in it!!! But oh how I love to eat/:
7. What is your best talent/gift?
I don't know about "best" but I am a very intuitive person and can read people well. I wish I had more talents or gifts. The best gifts that I've been given for sure is, my children. They light up my life(:
8. Do you have a tattoo?
No! But I am getting my very first one soon, for my 36th birthday!!!! Soooooo EXCITED!
9. What is one thing you'd like to learn more about?
Good question..... how to be more organized.....i could be one of the most unorganized people in the world.
10. You're alter ego would be a _______. (think occupation:)
A dancer at a club, the ones that dance up on the platforms above everybody in their own space, where nobody can bother you or get in your way, all fly with their funky outfits and makeup and hair did, yes that was always something I would love to do...this body would not be accepted as one of the dancing girls but I was blessed with some rhythm..for a white girl(: lol oh how I wish I could of danced at the club.
11. What three people (past or present) would you like to meet?
Melissa McCarthy, absolutely adore her!!!
Channing, Oh Channing Tatum, how lucky is his wife to wake up to him every morning. He is just beautiful to me, inside and out.

Sandra beautiful is her baby boy, Louie!!!

Now 11 for you:
I am laughing because, I am pretty sure, no one is going to answer these questions...lmao!!!
1.) What was the last fabulous movie you saw?
2.) Perfect girls night out would be?
3.) Jury duty or a root canal ( i know it's a tough one)?
4.) What are 2 of your all time favorite books you ever read in your life?
5.) Where is one place you just have to go before you leave this life?
6.) If you could have dinner with any celebrity/famous person (past or present time) who would it be and why?
7.) How many days of the week do you exercise?
8.) Something you would feel guilty buying for yourself but would be so grateful if it was given to you as a gift?
9.) What inspires you?
10.) How many pairs of sneakers do you own?
11.) When was the last time you roller-skated?
you crack me up!! so funny:)...and your love for your children just shines through your writing! you sound like a wonderful, loving mama!
i love to eat, too:)...doesn't it suck? sometimes i just wish i would suddenly loathe the act of eating...but i just like food in muh mouth:P.
anyways,to answer some of yours:
the last good movie: Crazy Stupid Love
person to meet with: the Wicked Witch of the West. i'd love to sit and have a chat with her.
roller skated: last year...and it does come back naturally! i felt like i was in seventh grade and never missed a beat:P.
Thanks for the link! A great read, my friend! hugs!!!
Awwww thanks, Krista for taking the time to read my post (:
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