Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Hungry!

Why is it so hard for me to eat right?
As if steak, pasta salad and then a huge piece of birthday cake at my brother's party wasn't enough. Now I am here at 8:45, so hungry!
I'm gona go be good and eat an apple but I'll tell ya right now, it's not gona work, it's not gona fill me up and then I will go take shower and jump in the bed, cause i jump it into the bed, like i run from the doorway and leap it in...looks good.
And pick up my book, cause I am in the book club! And read until my eyes droop out and I pass out. That's all I can do.
It's a struggle everyday for me to not eat all I like to eat which would be:
ice cream
more cookies,
any carb....any peanut does this stuff have to cause weight gain? Why! I know why...just needed to vent it out.
Ok...another day...I will go look at the pictures that my hubby took of me, to give me incentive to keep being strong.
Tomorrow it's back on many times have I said that.
Question: How do you get through the tough moments when you wanna eat the bad stuff, how do you turn away from it? Let me know....time to go eat my crunchy delicious healthy shiny red apple.


Stephie Says..... said...

I hear ya gf....I so have gotton ovah a hurdle of that feeling, or should I say tryin hard still always a struggle. It has taken weeks but am so there. Went to the nephews b-day party and they had the bestest lookin Spinellis whipped cream cake and I did not NEED to intake that instead I had blueberries with some watermelon. I felt better that I did not "fall off the wagon". I try to look at it like a drug that I do not need to have and look for a better alturnitive to eat. I think the water thing helps too. I get full drinking water with a squize of lime/lemon. U can do it...AND great job on the shiny red apple. SO good 4 u...U LIKE? lol I like Macs and founf Trader Joes has an all natural apple mash, not sauce. So yummy like a dessert and it only has apples and juice when mashed. Makes me think I am gettin a real treat. Keep reading good distraction...I take baths instead of A clean gal I lol ....I know u can do it...xoxoxo atleast we can feel good that we are not alone in the quest...

Kristin said...

Thanks for the words of help.
I am about to crunch down on another apple. You are so right, it is like a drug, the cookies are the drug! I will keep trying. I am on antibiotic for bronchitis, so I am off the exercising for today. I hope tomorrow. Keep stayin strong, you are doing awesome! We all have to bust out to TiJuanna's again real soon!

Stephie Says..... said...

YEs the veggie fajitas were and the music too
Sorry about ur broncitus thing...hope that clears soon.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away...I think bananas do the