Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Jordan!

yoda happy birthday Pictures, Images and Photos

Although he is not "officially" 9 year old until October 22nd, he had a really cool birthday today with his friends from his school at LASERQUEST.
Here's the crew before they geared up with their laser vests and laser guns for their second game of lasertag, they loved.

And some more cutes shots!

"AAAA don't they look like 2 cutes"

"Best Friends Forever they are" (we sing it to the Happy Birthday theme & it sounds good)

Look at how happy big daddy looks in this picture, that's someone who is ready for a good time! Looks like he is givin me the finger, OMG!

yep, buckle up for safety with my big goggle-leena's on

My baby boy isn't a baby anymore, so grown up!

We love air hockey.


Make a wish & I wish all your wishes to come true, loveyou Jordan! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

beau, looks like he had a BLAST. I am so glad. I know, I can't believe my baby is going to be 9. Where did the years go..He is so handsome beau...Titi's heartbreaker.. I will break the girls legs if they hurt my God's. Just call me, Titi Security, lmao. As usual, you look like a hot MAMA...No DOUBT