I love Leah Remini from King of Queens. I love Kevin James. I actually got to see him last year for my birthday at the Lowell Auditorium, doing his comedy show. He rocked it out! He was so funny. What a birthday gift to see him. I miss The King of Queens so much. It was my favorite sitcom. We had to buy the dvds so we can watch them anytime. It is cool that they do the reruns from 6-7 everynight but when Noggin has taken over the tv 24/7 with my little ones, the dvds are cool to have just to sit back when they go to sleep, relax it and laugh. Doug & Carrie are irreplaceable.
I got to request a autographed shiny 8 x 10 at Leah's website. She takes the time to sign each and every one. I even asked if she'd put the words "Peace" & "Love" and she did. She is the real deal. A true friend. A genuine person. The sister I never got to have. love ya, Leah and a big thank you hug for sending me my cool picture, which is going up(once I get a frame) on my living room wall, next to all my kids pictures. No doubt, sister!
i thought i was the sister you never got to have? now leah took my place? :(
lol lol
omg we are so alike just another instance...
i am obsessed with this show...every night derek and i watch the reruns, every single night!!!
i have so many favs but i have one on my dvr right now that is an all time fav-- when doug joins eaters-anonymous!
if reese were a boy we were toying around with the name deacon.
i love the whole cast. hands down the funniest show ever on tv, waaay better than seinfeld.
so sad they're gone.
another fav was just on, when doug has a knee injury then is caught playing b-ball at the gym on the trampoline. we were laughing so hard we were crying!!!!
Isn't it the best show,
what about the one when Doug drives the forklift in the ips warehouse and crashes, have you seen that one?
or another awesome one is when he crashes in the garage over and over with the motorcyle! I guess i like the crash ones alot!
if he ever comes back to do a show, i'll let ya know!
A Jenny!
like Max says whenever he call out to someone, he always adds the "A" in front.
"A" stop it! I meant an older sister to look up too. Not that Leah is old, just lil older than me. You would be my twin sister and I am very grateful that I have you in my life.
I love how they pay for Arthur to be walked by the funny as all heck blond.
They are all so funny! They need to do a reunion show. I love the one when she tells Doug what his fantasies can be after he comes out of the opperation and calls all kinds of girls names and not hers...lol
Also the one where they met and Doug had the mullut haircut and they had to look for the dog...luv that show too....
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