Tonight, it was just me and Jordan driving to the mall to do a little school shopping. I had gone the other night with my friend Lisa and came home with lots of bags. Only to go back tonight with lots of bags. Returns! Why, because Mr. Jordan didn't approve of the backpack I picked out, he wasn't feeling the color of the sweat suit I picked out. It was a big wake up call to me, Mama (who is already having a very hard time letting go)....
Little Lesson #1 Learned: By the time your child is 8 years old they pretty much know what they want and like and all the pushing things or suggesting things to them, is not going to work anymore. Those days are over. Jordan is his own person...I must embrace him. But man, it can be so hard sometimes. Especially when he wants to rock some goofyass bright orange t-shirt with some green sweat pants.
So as we are driving to the mall he asks me "Mama, are bombs real?" and I had to pause it for a minute, because though he knows what type of backpack and shirts he wants to rock for the third grade, his innocent mind was questioning if bombs are real. I paused too because I wish I could answer no they are not. But I had to be honest with him and so I said "yes they are." I think back to how innocent and little he was when 9/11 happened. He wasn't even 2 years old, bopping around the living room, playing with his cars, eating cheerios for breakfast, as me and Uncle Fernando watched in devastation to what was happening on the tv. Now here it is 2008 and my little guy isn't so little anymore. The questions are being asked and I am finding that answering them isn't easy. Keeping it honest but not putting him in fear, saying only enough for his 8 year old ears to understand and digest.....
Little Lesson #2 Learned: No matter how old our children are, it's never ever going to be easy.
When they are little, we are thinking "oh when they get a little older, they will be so much more independent at the beach, in the yard, helping out, blah blah blah, we'll know what they want, the tantrums fade away, they can sit in the resturants for longer periods of time, all this stuff that makes life a little bit easier. But then BOOM!, new issues, the questions arise(like "Mama, why do you have boobs?" yep that was one of them not too long ago), the curiousity sets in(more hardcore then ever!) and the challenging journey of parenting continues. I really enjoyed me and Jordan's one on one time tonight, I need to do it more often with him. He is my first born and I sometimes feel bad, that he has so much pressure on him, to be a good example and help out with the little ones and I know sometimes he misses the old days when it was just me and him (especially when Max is driving him crazy following him around, but that is only cause Max just worships his big brother so much.) Jordan was very helpful in the mall, carrying the bags for me and thanking me for what he got. I am proud of him, he is turning into quite the little man.
And just a quick Lesson #3 Learned: Don't leave your good makeup (such as, Kat Von D Eyeshadows) out in the bathroom!!! I came home to check on my little Max, snoozing away in his big old bed and I noticed he had lots of black stuff on his cheeks (both sides). I then asked Donald if he was playing with a marker and Mr. Big Daddy Chilling on the couch had no clue (now that's a surprise, not). Then I turned the big light on and examined his little brown cheeks a little bit closer and knew right away it was my eyeshadows, cause his cheeks were sparkling.
Sure enough, all little Maxwell fingerprints on the sink and toilet and in the eyeshadow case. And let me tell ya, that Kat Von D wasn't cheap(I only get it once a year for my birthday). It's still useable and I blame myself for leaving it out. But lesson learned, always put the expensive makeup far away from little creative monsters....
That's it for today peeps.
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You are so right beau about all the lessons learned. That was such a beautiful blog. I read your blog as if I am in your eyes since we go back so long, I live most if not all of your moments with you. Jordan has grown up so fast. What a great kid. He is such a love and yes you are right he probably does miss the old days but you giving him some time was so nice. Believe me, I know that I will be having the questions too. Just not too long ago Jalina asked me why I have a beard under my arms (mind you it was not even a little stubble). I was like" are you kidding me?. Well I know those silly questions,will turn deeper and more time to answer. I am so scared. You have no idea. Well! yes you do, you have it x3. God Bless you and you are soing such a wonderful job with the kids. You are an amazing, luving mother. On the other hand, because your life is so hectic, I can see why you left the make-up out and yes, now you know, but where was donald when this was happening???? i bet we can answer that. the same place boobsky would have been too...at the end of the night we love and get up and do it again. Out of all the lessons I will learn for years to come, it is worth every second. Kids are a blessing and a gift. God knows they teach us a thing or too. I luv u
Hi! I found your blog via Leah Remini's blog. She was right - you do have beautiful children :)
Take care!
Thank you Beau for being so supportive and you are always there when "I need back up!", remember that on Jerry Springer, the little guy kept yelling "I need back up!!"i love...
i loved the part about the clothes! i dread that day...rex is too young to realize he has power over what he'll wear one day. and they always go for that stuff...the stuff that makes you cringe! my sis is going through this right now with her son, cade. all he'll wear are windpants. dead of summer and the kid's got on windpants.
but too cute!
That was some nice alone time together. I hear you about the clothes thing. It is so weird when we have to show reality to our "babies" we want to keep them inocent forever. U do a great job with you creative lil ones....lol
I tought of you on Thursday and wished I saw you at Sonny Myers Park. I took my neice on her push bike thingy. I did get teary eyed on the walk past Nana Marthas house. I swear it brings me back to a differnt place and time when I do that walk with a lil one....I so wish I could of saw you with ur three and said "PEEK A BOO" ;l lol lol lol lol
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