A leave fight on a cold autumn friday night!
And then on Saturday cousin Shayla came to spend the night.
We picked her up in the Mission ( aka Misson Hill, watch out!)
and we came back to the burbs and took Jordan, Max & Shayla to the movies.
Jordan and Shayla wanted to see HSM3, so I took them to see that. And big daddy and Max so Bolt in 3D. I havent' even seen high musical 1 & 2. It was actually cute. Very corny. Like a 2008 Brady Bunch. Too perfect. Come on, Troy is how old and he brings Gabriella a picnic basket of chocolate covered strawberries and a pizza to her bedroom. Yep, he hops the very convient safe tree and jumps in her balcony to share some cheese pizza and chocolate covered strawberries with her on her bedroom floor and then he leaves... Yep cause that is how it goes down for 17 year olds.
Come on!
But cute songs and dancing.
Then to Papa Gino's with a very cranky tired Maxwell. Not very fun. But the pizza was delicious as always.
Big Daddy cooked up some breakfast on Sunday morning and they played Star Wars monopoly. I drew Shayla a Hello Kitty picture to take home with her and back to the hills she just went.
We love you, Shayla. We hope you had fun hangin with us!

u crack me up....yes the HSM thing is corny bit it is all the rage at BAB....we're all in this together...lol
u r both the nicest aunt and uncle...cutes
"cutes", i love that word!
Thanks to Jenny for creating that word, it's the best!
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