Max being 5 and Bella being 3, they could get anyone in the Christmas spirit. Everything is so new through their eyes. Each ornament was more amazing then the next to them and they sure did create a messy but oh so beauty decorated Christmas tree.
Jordan being 9, wasn't as into it this year, come on he's 9 !( so old, right? been there done that) That made me a little bit sad cause it is just another sign of my first born growing up, he even questioned Santa and said he is pretty sure Santa doesn't exist, well my face just dropped and I said "you must never say that!" (man do I sound like an old lady) and then when I told him "Santa will always be real if you just believe" he then said "i know he's real, but the tooth fairy isn't, that's really you"...Oh how I keep holding on to him and maybe sometimes he is still holding on to me.
But then he did finally change into his candy cane name xmas pj's ( which Gigi bought so kindly for all 3 of her grandbabies, thank you Gigi!) and he put a few ornaments on the tree & took an awesome xmas picture for our soon to mail out xmas cards!
Oh and when I told my Mom about how beauty the front of our lower part of the tree looked, from the creative little Santa's helpers, she said "oh aren't ya gona fix it?" and I said "nope, it's so them, i love it" and i know oneday i will so miss the messy creative tree ornament decorater's, so i love our tree just the way it is.

gum drops
sugar cookies
candy canes,
gingerbread houses
gingerbread trains,
love, peace & extra laughter & joy
that is what i wish for all of you this holiday season.
Feliz Navidad!
Could these kids get any cuter in their tight lil pj's?!?
i need a pair of those! :)
So cute. Isn't this the best time of year? It's so fun when you have lil ones...
I had to laugh about the tooth fairy part. Just as long as he believes in Santa. Isn't it so sad though, as soon as you don't believe, that's when all the fun ends.
Miss you guys!
I love the happy faces and cute lil pjs. The magic of Santa never goes away....well ok it does. It is so hard to think our two have known for a while but we still play the Santa brought it game. ALWYAS u have too. I agree w/ u K keep what they did they way they did it b/c some day it will be perfectly put together then that is when u say I wish it was like when the kids did it. I stood true with the bed thing. Whne they would first make thier bed messy I would want to fix it but tried my best to keep it that way b/c they made the effort and that was thier best. Now Ry is the BEST bed maker around...he is better than I am ...lol
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