I had to go running for my camera when I saw Jordan polishing Bella's nails with this teeny tiny bottle of nail polish. This is her very first time getting her nails polished and how memorable that she can always remember it was her big brother Jordan who did them for her. She told big daddym, as soon as he came home from work "Look, Daddy, Jordan helped me do my nails!" And she held them out like a beauty queen would.
And what makes it extra cute is that today was the holiday shopping fair at Jordan's school so he got to shop for his family. He came home with some sweet gifts for the ladies in his life. He told me "they didn't have much good boys stuff, so nothing for Daddy or Max", but us ladies were lucky because Jordan gave Bella her own little packet of baby nail polishes - pink, lavender & pearl - and it came with a teeny tiny file board. I got 2 gifts! A pack of 7 teeny tiny lipglosses ( my son's know their mama and how I love the lipglosses, Max too got me the same ones at the fair, too!) and Jordan also gave me what will now be the second beauty necklace ( as last xmas he gave me the golden beauty necklace ) and this year it is a beatuy green & yellow beaded beauty! I have it on right now! Picture of it coming soon. He is so proud. And I am, too.
Oh and he gave Bella 2 cute hot pink ornament ball elastics for when she rocks her hair in the bun style. She has them on. We waste no time.
Jordan was so proud of us wearing what he bought "his special ladies", and so he took it upon himself to help Bella polish her itty bitty teeny tiny little nails. One hand, lavender, one hand, pink. Her choice. Jordan's help. And that is what I love. Not only did he think of others as we venture through the Christmas season, as he is learning that Christmas is all about giving, but he went that extra mile and helped Bella put on her nailpolish. What a little memory to cherish.
As Chickie says "God Love Ya."

That is so sweet.....he is such the lil man of love.
Hey u must keep ur heat up high..lol
Bella sportin the summer look...lol
I would be frezin the nibbys off...lol lol
we live in 5 small room so it's always pretty warm at 46 Howard! lol! and the girl just loves to be naked and free!
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