These shots may not make you crack up as they have made me, but just check them out anyways. They were taken by a little professional photographer named Maxwell Toledo.
Man, does he love snapping the shots! When he gets a hold of my camera and so far ( knock on wood ) he has been very careful with it, watch out! Macky takes some amazing shots.
I spoke with Santa and I am pretty sure Santa is bringing him his very own blue fisher price (made for destructive preschoolers, as sometimes Max is) digital camera.
I just laugh so much, everytime I look at these pictures.
They are so Max.

From the eye level pepperoni pizza shot, to the upside christmas tree shot, I just wanna pee my pants. He is so friggin cute!
My favorites has to be the cutes refrigerator shot. Who but Max would be so creative to capture the Simply Orange Juice and old pot of pasta in our beauty refrigerator? So Max!
I love you, Max.

Not bad for an amature..lol I am sure the fisher price one will enhance his skills..hey maybe someday his work will be world known...keep up the good work Max..
omg i was cracking up! most kids just stand there and take 200 pics of the same thing (rex). this guy walked around, found some interesting things and decided to capture them. my fav by far was the one of bella (which came out awesome) and the refrigerator too. that was a riot!
so cute!
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