The Christmas spirit took a lot out of me. Exhaustion kicked in hardcore.
Probably because we were up until 3:00am on xmas eve wrapping presents and big daddy was putting together Bella's awesome pink babycenter, which took, i kid you not, 2 hours to put together. While he worked on that and I wrapped & we listened out to make sure no little feet were up out of bed, ( how scary that would of been, in our little house, at any second they so could of gotten up and saw us in the living room BUSTED!!!, but luckily it all worked out) As I wrapped, i ordered this really awesome movie on demand, called Where God Puts His Shoes, it was such a good movie to watch on Christmas Eve. It has John Leguizamo in it and he loses his job and him and his family end up in a shelter and he tries so hard to get a job in order to get this apartment for him & his family and no one gives him a break. It's on IFC on Comcast Demand. It really puts into perspective how tough it can be for families and it really made me count my blessings even more. Yeah, we joke about livin at 46 Howard in 5 rooms & Bella not having her own room yet, but it could be so much worse. How sad to see this family on Christmas Eve day smushed in a shelter on 2 little cots.....
Onto something not so sad. So back to 3:00 am, we were just finished cleaning up. The tree was lit up and Donald had just put out the crumbs on the plate to make it look as if Santa had just ate all the cookies. I was writing a letter from Santa to the children ( that he would leave next to the plate with crumbs on it ) and I turn and Jordan is standing right there, half asleep right next me! He sees all the wrapped presents and can't believe Santa was here. We were like "yep, Santa just left, ya just missed him!" Wow, that was a close one!
No sooner did he go back to bed, we finally set in our bed for what would be 2 and half whole hours of sleep. Then at 3:10 am, 2 little guys are at the bedroom door asking "can we sleep with you, the wind is scaring us" so all 4 of us, smush in the sweet queen size bed and by 5:15 i feel little Bella Lu climb up on the spacious queen sizer bed and that's it, 5:30 they are all up and ready to see what Santa left for them under the tree! And how cool was Santa leaving all this stuff! And how cool for the whole Toledo family to be up, RISE & SHINE it, at 5:30 on Christmas morning. Oh that was so cool.......

Thanks Santa!!!
1 comment:
Sounds like a good catch on Ma and dads part ...that Santa JUST LEFT ...wink wink....too cute. Just remember the puttin the toys together ect does not last forever so cherish those times w/ Big Daddy D....b/c this year it was wrap when u get the gist and store it under the tree. No toys just some cutes surprises of clothes, cell phone, tools and a not like when they were lil ones...but I STIll get up like the T family...530am....hopein that they will hear me and get up lol ah u really are blessed my luv girl!
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