Friday, June 13, 2008

Click to play macky's graduation
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Max graduated from The Kidz & I Preschool!!! We will miss Miss Nancy & Miss Maria, they loved Max very much this year. He has come along way from September when he would try to run out of the classroom. Eventually they made a big red Stop sign to post on the door and with that Max learned too Stop and not venture out of the classroom anymore alone!
To say Thank You & Goodbye, Max created Miss Nancy & Miss Maria a very special card, which he cut and glued shapes and some of my scrap booking decorations onto to some card stock, it came out beautiful because he then glued the 2 cards side by side to make 1 big card. Very unique, very Maxwell. They loved it! Also we gave them picture frames of them each with Max and a little poem that says:

Now I know my ABC's, colors, shapes and days
I learned some poems, sang some songs, rhymes and fingerplays
I played outside on sunny days and inside when it rained
My little hands and little feet were busy everyday.
My teacher's are Miss Maria & Miss Nancy, I kept them on their toes
They smelled my hair (cause they loved the smell of max's cologne "versace"), tied my shoes and even wiped my nose.
But now it's time to say good-bye to all my preschool friends.
School is over, summers here, but learning never ends!!!
Do you remember way back last fall
When I tried to break down the wall and run out?
But soon a Stop sign was designed
And I was safe and then things were fine
I have learned a lot this year
Too wait my turn, to slow down and share
But this is only the beginning not the end
Because we made so many friends
We won't be sad
We will remember
We'll be so ready to learn more in September!
I love you Miss Nancy & Miss Maria!


Katie said...

you crafty lady with these smilebox things...never seen em!

you got some cute kids too!

Stephie Says..... said...

too funny how he needed the STOP sign...good thinking on the teachers part.....pretty sneaky to get him to learn that,.....too funny