Saturday, September 20, 2008


My kids love lego's and I am pretty happy about that because it is a nice toy that allows them to be creative and use their beautiful imaginations to the extreme. It takes the boys away from Xbox 360, where they mute out (which makes me a little bit nervous how addicted they are to that xbox))to a place of brain stimulation and fun times with their imaginations.
Thank God for Lego's!
I am asking Santa to bring some more cool Lego sets for Christmas, ya know what I mean!

Here's some cute shots of the little ones in Lego action:
Notice Bella's backpack is as big as her. I love it! And she is rockin the 1 glove like Michael Jackson, i can't stand it, too funny the creations she puts together. Look at that get up. She's funky!!! Little man Macky wore his Mr. Happy shirt and looks mighty happy holding up his lego star wars droid guy-whatever-it-is-called-thing
Notice the animal cracker crumbs on the rug, they were used as meteors that crashed down, looks good.


Stephie Says..... said...

Legos rock!
timless toy that takes a kid to a differnt place without electronics.
ur kids are just so cute...Bella w/the MJ

Jennifer said...

I luv the Lego's beau. Bella is a little you.. I am telling you beau. She is too cute. Where is Jordan? Isn't it funny how you busted out the old school lego's to play with the kids and I just bought Hungry hungry Hippo for Jalina. See what I mean? We think so much alike that it scares me...