Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday, Bella Lu!

This little mamalove is now grown up to be this big 3 year old mamalove! Happy Birthday, my baby girl! More curls & more bossiness is what it's all about! No doubt!
Uncle Eric gave Bella this beauty of a pink phone this morning, it was all wrapped up in hello kitty wrapping paper with a beautiful hello kitty card. She is the only one of my 3 kids who gets just as excited over the card as she does the present ( it's a girl thang! ) and she wasted no time calling up her special peeps and having some great conversations. Soon to post a video of Bella Lu talkin, what she is talkin about on that phone, only she knows and that is all that matters.
Happy Birthday Sweet Darling!

1 comment:

Stephie Says..... said...

Have a fun b-day to the cutest lil gal...Love those curles...she is a cute one...