I took my little Bella girl to see the fireworks for her first time, last night, at Revere Beach. She loved them! She sat on my lap and looked up in awe and clapped for the pink and purple colors (her 2 favorite colors) and when they were over she said "i wanna see that again"! I loved seeing her face watching the fireworks for the first time.
We also had great time hangin with Auntie Erica, Uncle Joseph and the girls, Celeste & Gianna on sweet Revere Beach! The kids played in the sand, we looked for shells but unfortunately found more trash than shells and Bella must of called for "auntie edica" over 100 times, she just wanted to be next to her the whole night! Thanks for sharing the chicken nuggets, water & dorito's! I am so glad Georgia was there and I got a sweet picture of her sitting under the pink sunset.
We love ya's! Happy Summertime Little Firecrackers!!!

The one and only Georgia! She rocks! Love this lady so much!!! Looks like she is saying "aaa, don't you be taking my picture under the cotton candy pink skies"! Georgia always describes colors with lots of adjectives and sweet foods...like cotton candy pink socks or chocolate browns...love Georgia!

1 comment:
that's so good that bella wasn't scared. when jalina was her age, she would cry bloody murder. now she is good.
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