2 cutes in the tub!

rockin the sunglasses cause they can

silly faces


Sir Macky Toledo - Elton let him borrow a pair of sweet shades (really they are just Bella's cherry sunglasses but I guess Macky was down with those, they weren't too girly for him, maybe cause they were fruit and he like fruit, usually he is so against anything girly or that belongs to Bella, just today he noticed Bella had on a Dora tattoo and he said "do you have any spiderman ones, i hate dora" and i was more upset about him using the word hate.....i say "we don't use that word in this house babyboy, we gut to let love rule" (cause i sang that....no i really didn't)but i did give him the "we don't say the word hate, it's too harsh and it is not good to have or say hate"
anyway, Max likes to rock these sunglasses in the tubby and i love it and i love him!
Love you Bella Lu and Macky Moo!
U guys rock and roll
& sometimes go out of control & i still always love u forevere & ever & ever!
nothing cuter than nekkid kids in the bath...these 2 are too adorable!
rex pooped once in the tub. that wasn't so cute but it was pretty funny in retrospect. not at the time! thank god it only happened once!
Hey my youngest one pooped once too and we were like AHHHHH.....lol now we laugh our heads off about it too....
I miss bath time...that was such a favort. of mine. When they are 13 and 15 lol they are like get out of here...lol JK I don't go in there. I just wish I could of froze time b/c they grow so fast...Cherish all the times when thye are small they get big in a flash....UR kids r the cutest....and they always have smiles on their faces b/c u a really awesome mommy....xoxoxo
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