today at Sonny Myer's Park. This is Coco, the monkey....i think Hurdy Gurdy is the guy in the striped shirt (if not, i don't know what the hurdy gurdy part is all about).
I have to say Revere's gut it goin on because all these shows, such as TOE JAM PUPPET BAND (they are amazing!) and Big Joe, the Storyteller ...etc...all these shows are funded through a grant in the city and it makes up the Revere Parks & Recreation Summer Program. Every day is free lunch for all between the hours of 11-1 at parks all over the city, along with activities and shows like Hurdy Gurdy (cutes name) and today this little monkey came to the park and was so smart & funny. Very grateful for the programs that Revere offers in the summer. Very grateful cause when big daddy has been in & out of work since October, this summer hasn't been no walk in park when it comes to having alot of bread (aka ~ money!!!)+ gas prices suck & these summer shows have really helped break up the many long days of summertime.
This little monkey, Coco, was catching the baseballs, rockin the little helmet like a true Red Sox playa!!! He had me laughing. Wouldn't you if you saw this cutes right in front of you???? "hi"

I love this little guy!

1 comment:
OH MY he is so cute....u know I mean the guy lookin like he is pickin a winner...lol JK>....that monkey is so funny. Haven't u always wanted a MON KEY! If I had a million dollars...lol I'd buy u a Mon KEY!
that is great that thye have all those programs...where were they 13 years ago? I ma just glad u guys can have some free fun with the chilllies.....nothing beats FREE!
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