Yep, I just had to recap this little moment on the train from Saturday.
We were ridin back from our awesome trip from seeing Yo Gabba Gabba and we were soaked because the rain caught us in the commons on the walk back. But it actually felt good cause it was so darn humid that day.
So anyway, for some reason the seating arrangements on the train, left me and Bella seperated from all the boys and big Daddy and who hops on the train and cozy's up right next to me. A sweet older man very very tall and very very drunk. Smelled just like my father. And he was a mumblin and a grumblin and I just kept on talkin with Bella and then she picked her mosquito scab on her leg, so as I was getting a wipey out of my bag, some young homeboy thug types got on and sat across from us. And then I heard my new drunk friend say to them "she looks like her huh?, don't tell me, i know i's Jenny from the block". I had to laugh and the thugs were smilin too. When 2 seats became empty near big Daddy we moved on down and I sang to big Daddy "don't be fooled by the rocks that i got, i'm still, i'm still, Jenny from the block"...and that ni tall drunk man got off the next stop, stumbled it out the door and waved "have a good night". Cutes.
He sure was drunk if he thought I looked like Jenny from the block!
But it was a good laugh while it lasted, so now I will dedicate that song to myself and always remember my new drunk old man friend.
One love.
flor. that usually only happens to us...that is so funny. hey! take the compliment, she is a beauty..we like...he is so ni to say that to you. take it and just say "thanks cutes" lmao
That made me laugh so loud. Know Fear is like r u reading Jenny Blog again...I said no Kristens...He said she is as funny as lol lol
u r a beauty just like J Lo
yeah not a bad celebrity to be mistaken for!
i agree
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