And it wasn't pretty.
What were we thinking? Just as humans sometimes get homesick, Sassy did too.
She is 4 years old and basically an in house dog. She lives in Boston, pee pees on newspaper in an apartment with Nana Zon (Zonia) that is Donald (aka, big Daddy's mama) and though Sassy is very playful in her house, she lost that playfulness when she got to 46 Howard. Maybe it was Jordan putting the Superman cape on her, maybe that wasn't her stee-lo or maybe it was when big Daddy went to Target and came home with a grooming dog kit to cut her hair. We did spend over an hour in the garage (big night out!) grooming Sassy. Nana Zon had asked us if we could get her groomed but sure enough no pet places had an openings. So 46 Howard became the grooming salon. I was all into it. But Sassy wasn't feeling it. I think that sent her over the edge. And let's just say, the only ones who slept well Saturday night were my kids.
Donald was up cause Sassy pooped and pee pee on the rug (not the newspaper that Nana Zon said she'd do her thang on) and then she kept doing circles in my bedroom and had really bad insomnia. I felt bad, so I couldn't sleep either.
We made it through the night. But on Sunday morning I tried to let little Sas out in our fenced in yard and she just sat by the door and wanted to come back in. She sure is an in house dog! Not many 4 year old dogs go outside and immediately sit next to the door to come right back in.
Then she scratched Isa's back and chased her a little too much and it really scared Isa, my poor little Bella had some serious pink scratches on her back. That was it. It was time to take Sassy back to the hood!
We still love ya, Sassy and we know you didn't mean to scratch Bella, you just had had it too and you wanted to go home to your Mama Zon.
So Sassy, as Jack Black says it "we'll see you on the flip flop, later"!

oh my goodness. she is a real cutie. lol lol lol too funny that u know have an underground dawg groomin joint on Howard St...lol lol lol Can I refer my friends to ur new place o buisness....lol
that was so nice u took the lil beau ovah night, poor Bella....Hope u clean the pooh pooh up....xxoxoxoxo
big Daddy cleaned it up & he wasn't too happy about that.
Bella is doing great, she love Sassy unconditionally and yep, what an underground groomin joint we gut goin on over here!~ profesh, sister!
what kind of dog is sassy? she looks like the dog on sesame!
she also looks like a chinese dragon to me...
very cute though, a little lion!
You should have just got out the buzzers and went hog wild! sassy needed to be shaved down!
we sure did buzz away in the sweet garage! She is a lapso and yeah she has that black mask going on over her little eyes.
She is haloween ready with her mask...lol
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