PMS ~ "the evil crazies lurking in a woman's body before the red sea comes in sight"
I do have some cute pictures to upload from the very fun Pampered Chef party but they are on my Mama's camera. So as for now i will just blog about pms.
Every month it bites me in the ass. Every month i become a raging crazy lunatic, my kids must think "who is this lady and where did she take my mama?" cause it is no longer me. I am irritable and more impatient then usual, tears fall, 5 pounds are added, extra cookies are eaten, my muscles ache like i just ran a marathon and all i did was eat a pack of cookies, cramps arrive, some cutes pimps arrive on the face and sleep becomes my favorite hobby. Sounds like fun, huh? Every month! I think i need some help.
And I didn't even have the desire to blog and that is so not like me!
So there you have it. We all know it. PMS Sucks! Just 1 more thing us tough cookies (LADIES!) have to endure and we endure it, unless you have been lucky enough not to have it. We do it all ~ the laundry, cook, clean, raise the babies, hold the children, break up the fights, help with the homework, read bedtime stories, wipe the little booties, change the sheets, the bills, the grocery list, buy birthday presents, plan the parties, run the parties, take them to parties or wherever the sweet darlings need to go, lay out the clothes for school, listen, laugh, cry, love, sometimes scream, yep we deal with it all ( i am sure i left some stuff out)and on top of all that we deal with our stupid pms and at the end of the day we still know how to shake it on the dance floor, not that we get to too many dance floors anymore! Holla if ya hear me!!!
That sounds good. Sometimes we just need to holla
to vent
Remember, PMS sucks but we don't!
i was wondering where u were
try this
a few years back i was getting pms like that and i used this cream and it balanced me all out! amazing stuff...really.
derek's mom is into all natural remedies and she had a hysterectomy. it works for all women who feel like they are out of wack.
try it! maybe it could help.
u poor gal....PMS does Smuck,,,lol
I love to take things that are not midicine but really good herbs or things from nature that will help...Hey u nevah know till u try...Katies stuff sounds good...S
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