Sunday, June 29, 2008

my very first blog post....

Monday, December 3, 2007
my crack of sunlight
I named my blog this because even on the darkest grayest days, my children are my sunshine. Like a room with the shades pulled down but that crack of sunlight can't help but shine through, that's my children. I will share many pictures of their shining little selves.
Introducing my first born, Jordan Toledo, now 8 years old
Loves to read Goosebump books,
Play on the computer his Lego Star Wars games,
eat Funions onion rings,
watch School of Rock with his mama - me ")
and have sleepovers at his grandma "Gigi's" house
Introducing Maxwell, my second born, but never ever second in my life!
Macky (as his baby sister Bella calls him) is a pure lovebug most of the time,
because now that he has hit the fours a little more frustration has arrived in his loving heart,
I am hoping it is just a phase...
Macky loves to play cars, he would all day every day if he could, he loves to
take tubbies and play with his big matchbox boat in the tub,
wrestle and chase his big brother,
help bake cookies and eat them all with his mama
read bedtime stories
Isabella Laila, my babygirl, she has made my life complete.
She is the most vibrant little sunshine,
she loves to talk and talks very well,
she loves to shake her bootie and play dance freeze
and give her babydoll and hello kitty hugs and kisses,
She loves wearing hats and shoes
and rock out to Dora and especially YO GABBA GABBA, it's the best show, i get some serious cardio in when we watch that funky show!
I am so glad they have eachother
and that I have them in my life.


Stephie Says..... said...

That is a wonderful tribute to the love you have for your three lil angels.....u a good sweet....

Katie said...

Rex loves Gabba Gabba too. My favorite is spaghetti arms-- DJ Lance. I laugh every time I watch the opening music.

How old is Bella?

My fav movie is School of Rock-- I love Jack Black. Gotta see Kung Fu Panda next.

Kristin said...

Yes, isn't DJ Lance buggin out but so right with the monsters! Love that show!
My husband took the boys to see Kung Fu and they loved it! My son Jordan told me "mama, that one we're buying when it comes out on dvd".
I love Jackie Black too. He is the best!