Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Will Always Remember....9/11/2001


Kristin said...

I created this slideshow in memory of all who sacrificed their lives on 9/11/2001.
The heartache that the loved ones left behind face on a daily basis, is unimaginable & i just want them to know on this day & everyday, we never forget who they lost & how they live now 7 years later.
I remember Jenny calling me at 8:50 am that morning & telling me the horrible news. Uncle Fernando lived with us and was sleeping on the couch and he woke up and we turned on the tv to see the most devastating site possible. As we watched in disbelief, my little Jordan was not even 2 years old, eating his cheerios and playing cars on the rug. Now he will be 9 years old in a month and I pray he never has to remember lving through a time like 9/11.
I pray for all of our children to be happy, healthy, safe & strong ~ always.

God Bless America xoxoxo

Stephie Says..... said...

I can so agree with that Kristen. Not a day goes by that America is differnt. I ache for the families and loved ones. I think your tribute is a wonderful one and very honoring to all who lost and carry on.....Blessing to all Americans