Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Four Immutable Laws of the Spirit

Some books I've read, am reading and hope to read soon.
  I did finish Anne Lamott's book "Some Assembly Required", she always writes so sincerely; straight from her heart.
In her book, which she wrote along with her 20 year old son, about her son's first year with his own newborn son, she writes it like a journal, day to day happenings and I, myself, find that interesting. I always like hearing about people's lives, opinions, and on and on.
 Whenever I find something that touches my heart or makes a lot of sense to me, I fold the corner of the page so I can go back to it.  And it was in this book, on page 185 that I was introduced to the Four Immutable Laws of the Spirit:
                                   Whoever is present are the right people. Whenever it begins is the right time.
     Whatever happens is the only thing that could of happened. And when it's over, it's over.

Though in many situations we never want things to be over. The Four Immutable Laws of the Spirit keep it so real.... it is what it is.

The Four Immutable Laws of the Spirit:
Whoever is present are the right people.
Whenever it begins is the right time.
Whatever happens is the only thing that could of happened.
And when it's over, it's over.

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