Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's all about patience and strolls.

 I often notice people walking their dogs. I love people watching anyway, but what I notice about many people walking their dogs is some interesting things.  Many big men walk teeny tiny little dogs and many teeny tiny women or just short ( like me) walk medium to big big dogs.  And I think that's so funny.
Also, I see many fit peeps walking chubby dogs.
And then there are chubby peeps ( like me ) who walk very fit dogs.
My Mya girl is all cut with awesome muscles, like I am jealous of how toned and cut she is.
"Did somebody say let's go for a stroll?"
So now Mya and I  have been walking side by side, a lot of times, her pulling me but she is getting a lot better with her walking, plus I have to admit, I love when she gives me a little pull up the super giant hill that leads us back home.
She loves a great stroll around the hood, her ears and eyes light up when she sees me reach for my sneakers and if she even sees me pick up my iPod, she is like "it's on, we are going for a stroll now!"  She lives for strolls and rides in the car.
And for many many years I have lived for french fries and pizza and all things yummy but now I am really really on a mission. I am so invested in being aware of what I nourish my body with.
I must love it all, all it's cellulite, all the crow's feet, all of it!!
Because this body carried my three amazing babies and gave me my babies.  Yes, it's a changed body since the birth of my babies but I can still be in shape if I apply myself to moving and sweating daily!
I use to be a tae bo queen, 6 days a week and I use to walk my babies when they were able to fit in a carriage but life goes on and though they have grown, I must still remember me...I have to make time for me. And it's ok to make time for me.
I am also eating less and moving more and really focused on a positive attitude.
My best friend and I joined WW yesterday. Though it's called Weight Watchers
I like to call it: Watcher's Weight.
Because we are literally watching for weight to come off our mama love bodies(:
We are the Watcher's who wait.
It's a struggle. My bff loves coke/pepsi and chocolate!
I on the other hand love it allll.
So we are having a big REVOLUTION with getting through our days without all the good stuff ( that's really the bad stuff).
But having each other's back and texting each other when we are weak,
or just venting to each other is really what's keeping us going.
I am going to print this out for us, to remind us, to inspire us:
Plus, we have to weigh in next Monday morning at 9:30.
So it's ON!!!!
Many years ago, me, Mikey and my bff, Erica.  Now we getting healthy! YEAH!!!
And we are soooooo Determined this time.

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